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Monthly meetings

Monthly meetingsWorkshops

February, a LOVEly month!

What's not to love about February!  OK, OK, besides the weather! This is the month that brings us Valentine's Day to remind us how much we care about friends and family.  February is also the month when we see that first - very early - glimmer of spring. Days become longer - hey, it's still light at 5 pm and…
9 February 2022
Monthly meetings

A New Year Begins

Well, we have left 2021 behind us - yet another challenging year. Surely 2022 willbe a turning point. Our hopes are high for some kind of 'normal' this year with the prospect of regular in-person meetings and get-togethers as we move through the spring, topped off with a stellar quilt show in the fall.  For now, thank goodness for Zoom and…
13 January 2022
Christmas PartyMonthly meetingsWorkshops

Merry Christmas!

Tis the season to be jolly - and to be oh, so busy baking, finishing up those last minute sewing projects and getting ready for Santa's visit. Hopefully, this rather tardy blog post finds you with everything done, wrapped and under the tree. Not even close at our house, but maybe at yours? The Guild has had a busy month.…
Guild Blogger
15 December 2021
Monthly meetings

Time To Be Sew-Cial!

Well, fall is in full swing - and so is our Guild! Looking for Christmas gift ideas? Or do you just need some sew time with quilting friends?  If you read your newsletter, you already know about these - but just in case... The Christmas Sew-cial on Saturday, November 13 will give you a headstart on Christmas sewing and other…
Guild Blogger
27 October 2021
Monthly meetings

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunflower runner by Donna V. It's October already and Thanksgiving is looming just around the corner. Hopefully, many of us will be able to spend the holiday weekend with family and/or friends. If that's not possible, at least enjoy the long weekend in this lovely fall weather or spend some time playing with fabric in your sewing room. Our second…
Guild Blogger
6 October 2021
Monthly meetings

Back to Quilting – Another Year Ahead

As summer comes to an end, how great to be back to quilting and the start of Guild activities for the year. September 2021 Hybrid Guild Meeting Our  new quilting year began this past week with our monthly Guild meeting, on Monday, September 13. This was a landmark for the Guild - our first hybrid meeting, combining a "mask-to-mask"meeting of…
Guild Blogger
19 September 2021
Monthly meetings

And We’re Off to a New Quilting Year

Photo: Outdoor Quilt Day 2021 (Paton) Well, summer is over but it has been fun. The Guild has continued to offer Slow Quilting and SewZoom sessions as well as the Facebook project groups over the summer months. Did you participate in our first ever Outdoor Quilt Day? We had great weather and perhaps inspired a smile or two as passersby…
Guild Blogger
8 September 2021
Monthly meetings

June Meeting

Beach Bracelets made by Peggy A. Another quilting year has zoomed right past us (excuse the pun)! In fact, it has been over one full calendar year since we resorted to Zoom as our replacement for in-person meetings and it has allowed our Guild to stay connected and to continue sharing our quilting experiences during a challenging time. Nonetheless, everyone…
Guild Blogger
11 June 2021
Monthly meetings

May Meeting

Bauhaus by Nina SS The May 3rd meeting was short but lively. There was no program but for a very good reason. The program this month is a treat to all Guild members - free participation in a quilting event on the long weekend.  From 4 to 7 pm (Atlantic) on May 22 and 23, you can log into the…
Guild Blogger
4 May 2021
Monthly meetings

April Meeting

A Commotion of Coots, by Cathy D.   The Guild met once again on Monday, April 12 with over 45 Guild members participating on Zoom. It isn't often that our monthly meeting falls so late in the month - almost half of April is already behind us. Spring beckons and each day the sun seems brighter and lasts longer. No…
Guild Blogger
14 April 2021