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Monthly meetings

Monthly meetings

Tomorrow’s the Day – Open House!

Don't forget the Open House scheduled for Friday, March 26, from 1 to 3 PM at Trinity United Church. Thankfully, COVID numbers have remained low and current restrictions allow for our event to go ahead. Drop by to visit the library to return material or borrow books, magazines or rulers. Your donation of cuddle quilts, preemie quilts and pillowcases are…
Guild Blogger
25 March 2021
Monthly meetings

Happy Valentine’s Day!

It's February already and so far, winter has not been too bad. In fact, Shubenacadie Sam is predicting an early spring! However, there is little doubt that there are still some snow days in store, though quilters know they are just another good excuse to spend the day stitching. Cathy D's Fall Growth More than 40 Guild members joined the…
Guild Blogger
7 February 2021
Monthly meetings

Happy New Year!

Well, 2021 is here at last and surely will be better to us than 2020. Our quilting year is off to a good start with our first meeting held on January 4. While the meeting was virtual once again, before too long we hope to see you all again in person. For those of you who decided to participate in…
Guild Blogger
11 January 2021
Monthly meetings

Off to a ‘Zoom-ing’ Start

Memories of Spring, Summer and Fall - made by Sandra Roch, from a Becky Goldsmith design - how fitting for these times! Well, we proved it could be done! This time last year, most of us would not have imagined holding a virtual Guild meeting but that seems a very long time ago. Zoom  has now become a way of…
Guild Blogger
21 September 2020
Monthly meetings

Are You Ready?

The fall is always an exciting time for the Guild, with the first meeting of the year just around the corner. It's a chance to reconnect with our quilting friends, check out the new books in the library, sign up for workshops, show off our own summer quilt projects (and ooh and aah over everyone else's) and start making plans…
Guild Blogger
25 August 2020
Monthly meetings

Thank You!

Many, many thanks to all the businesses and friends of the Guild who so generously donated door prizes to our Extraordinary Quilter Afternoon Tea! Amos Pewter - Mahone Bay Atlantic Fabrics - Bridgewater Avonport Discount Fabrics - Avonport Down Home Living - Lunenburg Elaine Quehl - Ottawa, ON Encompassing Designs - Mahone Bay Felicia Knock Fibre Studio - Lunenburg Funky…
Guild Blogger
1 June 2019
Monthly meetings

2019 – Happy New Year!

On this New Year's Eve, I thought it might be useful to highlight a few important dates coming up in 2019. January 4-31, 2019 - Quilts at the Library - if you happen to be in the South Shore Library at the LCLC in Bridgewater, look up and see a few quilts from our members! January 7, 2019 - Guild…
Guild Blogger
31 December 2018
Monthly meetings

November 2018 Meeting

Jill's Friendship Rings. Show and tell pictures can be found here. Many thanks to Jill G, Ann P and Rose L who stepped in to help as photographers this month when I couldn't be there. It was a busy meeting with a fabric sale of donated fabric, many meters were purchased I hear! Many thanks to all the executive who…
Guild Blogger
14 November 2018