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Yearly Archives



Wonderfil Thread Workshop with Nadine Stevens

On Saturday October 26, MBQG  held a practical in person workshop on Wonderfil thread led by longarm quilter and Wonderfil educator Nadine Stevens. It was invigorating to get together in person, learn more about this extensive line of Canadian thread, make a cute practice project and support each other as we worked with special machine stitches many of us had…
1 November 2024

Out and About

Fabric shopping and a quilt show - a quilter couldn't ask for more! After many weeks of planning, I headed to Mahone Bay last Friday morning with my friend Jan  to look for pieces of wool for our latest wool embroidery project. On arrival, we knocked, called and stood outside the shop wondering what was going on - until a…
14 April 2024
Cuddle QuiltsEvents

Celebrating International Quilt Day!

Saturday, March 16, was International Quilt Day, better known in this Quilt Guild, as our annual Cuddle Quilt Day! Guild members and members of the public gathered together at the church hall and enjoyed a busy day putting the finishing touches on a colourful array of donated quilts.  On-site sewing, quilting, binding, adding Guild labels and more took place through…
17 March 2024
Monthly meetings

March Meeting

Mild weather brought almost 50 of our members together for the March meeting Monday afternoon. Much of the meeting agenda provided updates on the planning for the many upcoming events on our schedule. Don't forget Cuddle Quilt Day on March 16th - International Quilt Day! Join us at Trinity United as we check in the many quilt tops and finished…
6 March 2024
Monthly meetings

February Guild Meeting

Another snowstorm - another postponement! However, our second attempt at this month's meeting was successful and almost 50 Guild members came out on February 12 to catch up on the Guild's comings and goings and to see what other people are up to in their  sewing space. Sadly, I had a scheduling conflict so the photos included in this month's…
19 February 2024
Monthly meetings

Welcome to 2024!

Finally, Mother Nature decided to cooperate and our first meeting of the year took place Monday, January 15th, at 1 pm in the afternoon.  There was a good turnout too, with 44 members of the Guild making their way to the meeting - looking forward no doubt on the chance to catch up with their quilting friends, discuss the Guild's…
18 January 2024