MBQG Quilt Show Entry 2024

Mahone Bay Quilters' Guild Quilt Show 2024 - ONLINE ENTRY FORM

Entry forms accepted between June 1 and June 30, 2024


  • open to all MBQG members,  up to 3 entries per member. (Only open to members who have paid their dues by June 30 -- if you'd like to join, look here!)
  • please only submit quilts that have not been entered in a MBQG show before
  • only enter quilts that are finished, or close enough that they are identifiable by the photograph, and you have all the information required below – quilt size; name of quilter; sale price; etc.
  • please submit one online entry form per quilt (i.e. if you're entering two quilts, you'll submit the form twice) 
  • each entry must be accompanied by one photo 
    • uploaded on this form
    • 3 MB or less
    • jpg or png 
    • file name = Lastname, Initial, title -  e.g. SmithJfunkybird
  • You may enter quilted items that are not to be hung (clothing, sculpture, etc.) but please specify what it is.
  • entries accepted no earlier than June 1 and no later than June 30
  • PLEASE NOTE that the Mahone Bay Quilters' Guild can accept no liability for quilts at the show. 

At the time of the show:  

  • all quilts must have a label sewn on the back bottom left corner with your name and the name of the quilt;
  • all quilts must have a 4” sleeve, except small wall hangings may have a 3” or 4” sleeve.  Download Instructions
  • Quilts must be dropped off at the Mahone Bay Centre between 9 am and 11 am on Thursday, September 26. 

Personal Information


If you have any questions or are having technical problems, please contact Nina!