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EventsFeatured FriendsGood Deeds

The Bay Buddies and their Quiltmobile

The Bay Buddies are a “bee” within the Guild who have been getting together to quilt for many years. This year they decided to make a car quilt, a “quiltmobile” and they asked for donations of orphan blocks from members. The response was terrific and they had more than enough, some leftover blocks were sewn into quilts for Harbour House!…
Guild Blogger
19 March 2009

Upcoming Quilt Shows

During the first weekend of October, the town of Mahone Bay celebrates with their annual Scarecrow Festival and every other year the Guild participates with by having a quilt show at the Blockhouse Fire Hall. Plans are underway for our next show in the fall of 2010. Highlights of the quilt show include a sale area with quilts, wallhangings and…
Guild Blogger
19 March 2009
EventsFeatured Friendsrecognition

Mahone Bay QG presents an ‘Extraordinary Quilter’

This year, 2009 we are pleased to have as our “Extraordinary Quilter” Pamela Allen from Kingston, Ontario. Pam joins the ranks of previous “Extraordinary Quilters”, Kay Phillips, Anne Morrell Robinson, Heather Stewart, Jo Diggs, Rosemary Makhan, Gail Hunt, Paula Nadelstern and Judy Morningstar who have come to the Mahone Bay QG to lecture at our fabulous Dessert Party and to give two…
Guild Blogger
19 March 2009
CommunityGood Deeds

Quilters in our Community

For over ten years the Mahone Bay Quilter’s Guild has supported Harbour House, the women’s shelter in Bridgewater, NS by providing them with cuddle quilts made by our members. We gather together on a Saturday in January to make, sandwich and tie quilts. We are grateful to members of our communities who also come and help us on Cuddle Quilt…
Guild Blogger
22 January 2008