Checking out the fine embroidery on Laurie’s piece.
Our February 4 meeting was another successful afternoon meeting. the hall was full with members and guests. One more daytime meeting to go March 4, then we are back to evening meetings on April 1. We also had a wonderful show and tell. Seems like everyone has recuperated from Christmas and has been busy quilting. We even had a number of Christmas projects finished and ready for next year!And also several projects finished from past EQ workshops! Be sure and check out the Flickr album here to see all the pictures.
The view from the Retreat workshop room at The Quarterdeck! Not bad! Plans are well underway for our spring retreat at The Quarterdeck just south of Liverpool on Nova Scotia’s South Shore. We will have room for 25 members to spend April 15-18, 2019 together, getting lots of sewing and quiltmaking done! Watch your emails, registration details will be coming soon.

The “binders” hard at work at Cuddle Quilt Day 2018.
There is just so much going on! Our annual Cuddle Quilt Day will be held in Trinity United Church Hall on Saturday March 16 from 9am-3pm. Make a quilt top or two or three and bring it along so it can be finished and donated to a local charity. If you have any questions contact Donna at Bring a friend, there is something for everyone to do. Lunch is provided.
Our Extraordinary Quilter this year is Elaine Quehl from Ottawa, ON. Visit Elaine’s website here to see Elaine’s beautiful quilts and read about her workshops. We are making some changes this year to our Dessert party! After 18 years of having this event in the evening, we listened to what our members and guests were telling us and we are happy to say that we will be having an afternoon tea party! We will still be at the Mahone Bay Legion, Elaine will present a wonderful trunk show and everyone will enjoy delicious “tea” sandwiches and sweets. Tickets will go on sale at our March 4 meeting, $7 (plus homemade sandwiches or sweets made by our members) for members and $15 for non-members. More details will come soon! Mark your calendars!