Sandy, Ann, Linda N, Rose and a visitor
At our Guild meeting in January I suggested we start a “Slow Quilting” group that would meet at the Biscuit Eater Cafe in Mahone Bay on the second and fourth Monday afternoon, we would bring any hand sewing/quilting/embroidery project and we would stitch away for a couple of hours enjoying each others company along with some delicious savouries and sweets. It has been a wonderful success! We have had anywhere from 6 to 16 show up! We have the “library” room to ourselves except usually every week we have a visitor or two from the cafe clientele who are curious as to what we are doing.
Rose finished a preemie quilt for the IWK NICU.
There are the “regulars” who come every week and then there are those who pop in whenever they can. We welcome everyone, come when you can! There is no schedule but usually there are projects to share, quilts to be seen and demonstrations of various techniques.
Gail finished a quilt for her grandchild.
I was curious as to what was out there on this world wide internet on “Slow Quilting” and I found that there are pages on Pinterest
There are blogs and websites devoted to “Slow Sewing”
And there is a whole “movement started by Mark Lipinski of Quilters Home Magazine fame
So if you are in Mahone Bay on Monday afternoon (2-4pm) August 27 or Sept 17 (due to our late Guild meeting and our Quilt Show we are just meeting once in September) stop by the Biscuit Eater Cafe (Orchard St, just off Main St around the corner from the Tea Brewery). We would love to see you!