Happy New Year!! Yes, a new year of quilt guild meetings has begun under the very able leadership of Pam Wells who has succeeded our super past president Christine Bell. Our September meeting was busy, the hall was packed, we welcomed new members, guests and old members. We are getting off to a very busy start with our bi-annual Scarecrow Festival quilt show “A Harvest of Quilts” coming up in less than two weeks at Trinity United Church, Edgewater St., Mahone Bay. Have you marked your calendar for September 28 & 29 from 10 – 5pm and Sept 30 from 1-4pm. Guild members will be voting on the “Best in Show – Jean Ramsay Award” as well as the “Viewer’s Choice Award” along with the public. Be sure and get out and vote! As well there will be lots of quilts for sale and some wonderful items to buy in our “Boutique” from books, to fabric, bags, wall hangings table runners and so much more.
Tickets are now on sale ($5) for Cheryl Arkison’s Trunk Show on Wed. October 17. if you don’t have one contact Debbie Breeze at debbiebreeze@eastlink.ca to reserve yours.
Jill Green’s Mariners Compass, a Judy Neimeyer pattern, beautiful quilting by Shahena Cozy Quilts.
Detail of Jill’s Mariners Compass.
Be sure and check out our Flickr Photstream Albums here for more pictures from the meeting. I was having trouble with the focus on my camera so had to delete quite a few pictures, my apologies. I don’t know what happened! I had better get that sorted before the quilt show!