April marked the return of evening meetings after four months of getting together in the afternoon. It was so nice to avoid those long dark drives during the winter months. But here we are with Spring and so it is so nice to keep travelling to the meeting in the light of day, though now in the early evening! And for our members who work during the day and simply couldn’t join us for those afternoon sessions, it is so nice to have you back!
April’s meeting was a busy one with lots of items on the Agenda. The Budget for the next year was tabled and approved, and related discussions will be covered in the Minutes and next newsletter. Don’t forget the upcoming Skills Day on April 22 – the morning session on perfect circles and the afternoon session on embroidery are sure to provide tips that will improve your quilting skills. Donations of quilting items for the Yard Sale at the Church on May 6 are welcome. What a great opportunity for some spring cleaning in your sewing room – and such an easy way to find a home for those items you no longer use.
Members were reminded that this is the time to recruit for vacant or soon to be vacated spots on the Guild Executive. The positions are outlined in the April newsletter. Be sure to go through the list and consider how you might help out with the many tasks involved in running the Guild. Volunteers are essential and without them, the Guild simply couldn’t function – so please, take a look and if you have questions, please ask. Speaking from my own experience, my time on the Executive has been an excellent way to learn all about the Guild, and to meet many of our members – and we really work as a team to pull things together.
- Color My World by Kellie Skelhorn
- Fidget Quits – Bridgewater Bee
April’s Show and Share was, as usual, one of the meeting’s highlights and showcased the many and varied talents of our Members. We are in the process of updating the Flickr album but here is a bit of eye candy in the interim.
- Loki Pet Portrait by Jan Strachan
- Quilt Room Diorama by Taylor Borden
Only two meetings left before summer! Hard to believe, isn’t it? And yes, it’s time to start thinking about your membership renewal – renewals are due by June 30. You will find the form here, along with instruction on payments – dues remain at $30. The process is very easy – you can print the form or even easier, just fill in the blanks and press submit.
The next meeting is on May 1. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the meeting will start as usual at 7:00. The program for the May meeting should not be missed. The evening’s program is titled Paints and Quilting. Pam Wells will show different types of paints and dyes and show samples of how they can be used in quilting. She will talk about how she got started in design and share some book recommendations. See you there!