Debbie is off on a wonderful adventure soon and needed a new travel bag, so she made one!
Our January meeting was full to the brim, the day was lovely and it was the first of our 3 winter daytime meetings. If the turnout was any indication the change is a good one! We will meet again Monday February 4 from 1-3pm (the hall is open by 12:30) and Monday March 4 from 1-3pm (the hall is open by 12:30).
Coming up we have our annual Cuddle Quilt Day on Saturday March 16, our second annual Guild Retreat in April, our bi-annual yard sale on Saturday May 4 ( as part of the 100 mile yard sale along the South Shore), our Extraordinary Quilter (Elaine Quehl) Tea and Workshops. Just a few activities to keep us busy!
We had a very interesting program at our January meeting presented by Julia Wentzell from Briar Hill Designs. How wonderful to have a local fabric designer for RJR!!
Julia works with her sister-in-law who designs the fabrics along with Julia who also designs the quilt patterns and sews the samples. The quilts were quilted by Sherri Lund of Violet Quilts. You can find and follow Briar Hill on Instagram and Facebook.