Fall Flight Over The Battery Pam’s husband, David, loves to fly small planes as a hobby so she included an applique of his float plane.
What a wonderful trunk show on Monday afternoon! After almost everyone had left and Pam was packing up her quilts, she said a few things and I thought I would follow up with her with a few questions so you would get to know her a bit better.
Pam started quilting in 1991, she was inspired by photographs in quilting magazines. As a child, she liked to sew, draw and do crafts. When she was 10 she was given a Kenmore sewing machine for Christmas. Unfortunately her grade seven Home economics teacher turned her off sewing and she didn’t sew again until she started quilting in 1991.
Pam’s “non-quilting” life was in the banking industry, she was a Bank manager and a Financial Planner.
Pam says she is never bored. As well as walking every day (7.5 km per day), she plants two large vegetable gardens, makes most of their food from scratch, makes her own pickles, takes yoga classes, plays duplicate bridge. She volunteers at her local library as a tutor for their English Language Learner program and she likes to read.
Other than silk that Pam buys at thrift stores, she doesn’t buy much cotton fabric anymore, because she has so much! But once or twice a year she does go to Avonport and she also likes to go to the “Grandmothers to Grandmothers” fabric sale that is held at a Halifax church each spring.
Pam’s least favourite part of the quilting process is basting the three layers together. Even though she machine quilts, she hand bastes the layers together.
Pam’s favourite book at the moment is Quilt Wonderland by Keiko Goke. Her favourite quilter is Rachel Wright. She would love to take a workshop from Olivia Uffer. If you are on Pineterst, be sure and search for these three amazing quilters/fibre artists, you will be blown away! Thanks Pam for the recommendations.
Pam doesn’t have any formal art training, she loves to walk, sail and have small dinner parties with friends
The quilt on her bed right now is a modified nine patch scrappy quilt. All of her bed quilts are hand quilted (but not by her).
Thanks to Pam for sharing a bit about her quilt life with us, truly an inspiration!