Kathy Higgins knitted pin cushion “Rowena Mouse”, the pattern can be found on Ravellry here
We all had a wonderful time at our annual Christmas Pot Luck Dinner and Party. Thanks to all who volunteered to help and to everyone who brought such delicious food. It is hard to belive it will be 2018 soon! Please mark your calendars for Monday January 8 for our first meeting of 2018, don’t forget we are meeting from 12:30-3pm for January, Febraury and March.
As usual we had a wonderful show and tell. This dashing rooster was quilted by Marilyn V. She bought the unfinished pillow at our September meeting and hand quilted it.
Another full tree for the ornament exchange.
And this year we held a very successful pin cushion exchange. Thanks to everyone who participated in both exchanges! Be sure and see the rest of our pictures here on our Flickr page.
To all our members near and far, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2018!