Christmas 2015 has come and gone and it is New Year's Eve as I write. The weeks have flown by far to quickly and I apologize for not posting about our December party sooner. The pictures are now all up on our Flickr page here and as well there are a few more pictures of our Father Christmas Festival Quilt Show here.
We had a terrific turnout for our Christmas Pot Luck, the weather cooperated and the food was amazing. somehow it always works out, there are plenty of appetizers, countless main courses and salads and the desserts are delicious as always! I completely forgot to take the requisite food pictures. You will just have to take my word for it.
Sharon talks about her Attic Windows quilt
Sandra R's Christmas Door quilt.
President Cathy's wonderful golf club "head" covers she made for her husband for Christmas. I am sure he was thrilled!
We had a wonderful show and tell, lots of Christmas inspiration. Then we played a game where we had to answer a lot of questions, all related to quilting. I think there were one hundred questions! I am embarrassed to say I won with a score of 98! The only two I didn't get were had I attended the Houston Quilt Festival and also had I attended the AQS show in Paducah. It certainly made me realize just how much I have accomplished over 42 years of quilting!
My sewing room is all cleaned up and I am ready to start some new projects and hopefully complete a few of the half dozen or so UFO's I have. I wish you all a very happy and productive 2016 full of lots of quilting projects and Guild activities.