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A New Year

I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer, we sure have had the great weather though I will be happier when we get some rain for the well and the gardens!

I always think of the day after Labour Day as the start of the new year, not January 1. So many things start up again, not just school but lots of other great activities. Our first Guild meeting of the year is on Monday September 10, a week later than our usual first Monday of the month due to the Labour Day holiday. We are back again at Trinity United Church Hall in Mahone Bay (the first of the 3 churches, white with a parking lot beside it). We welcome guests and visitors, come and see what we are up to or if you are just visiting the area do pop in. The hall opens at 6:30pm for a social time before the meeting.

This is a big year for us with our bi-annual quilt show coming up quickly, September 28-30 at the Blockhouse Fire Hall. Check out the link to the right for the details.

Val, Isabel, Cathy, Marilyn, Marilyn and Ann hard at work at Cathy's lovely island home. 

The Executive has been hard at work over the summer and we have had 2 almost full day meetings to plan and prepare for the coming year. The budget is done, the programs are planned and workshops are organized. 

"Captain" Cathy also provides transport to the island.

The Guild can't function without volunteers though. There are lots of small jobs and some bigger ones. Being part of a Guild and volunteering is a wonderful experience. Not only will you get an opportunity to get to know other members but you will learn a lot about quilting and share your love of fabric. Whether you have been a member for 20 years or you have just joined, we need your help. Whether you have volunteered before or not, we need your help. So, think about it and when asked put your hand up and say "I'll do it" and watch how quickly others will follow!

After a wonderful day (working hard!) at Cathy's house, it was easy to be so grateful for where we live, for the quilting we do and the quilters who give so much. Thank you!

One Comment

  • What a fun Executive we have! Such a great, warm group of women to share adventures with.
    Thanks for the great outing to your amazing island home, Cathy Val