In June 2012, the Mahone Bay Quilters Guild will (hopefully) be hosting about 100 quilters from the Quilt Canada Conference in Haliax. They will come by bus to the south shore, visit Lunenburg first then come to Mahone Bay for a chowder lunch with us. We quickly got to work thinking about what we could make for them that would be unique and different. Ann Phelan came up with the idea of a fabric dory, just like the ones used on the fishing schooners out of Lunenburg many years ago. Laurie Swim did the research, came up with the prototype and then the pattern. The dorys will be yellow with green trim, just the way they always are.
Many hands made light work and about 25 of our members showed up to help. Thanks to everyone! We got an assembly line going with markers and sewers, dory builders one and all!
The pattern for the dory was drawn and then the outline was stitched before cutting.
Once the assembly line got into full swing we moved right along.
Everyone pitched in to help, thanks Beatrice! We made great progress and had a wonderful lunch, which prompted me to start a new category "Favourite Guild Recipes". Just click on the link to the right for some recipes. We'll be back soon with a dory update and progress report!
Looks like a really fun day! Sorry I had to be in Halifax, but I’m looking forward to the next Dorey Day!
Are we going to get to see the finished products???
Kathy, yes, we need to have another day to finish them, then I will post more pictures.