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15th Extraordinary Quilter – Becky Goldsmith

It must be over 16 years ago when Polly and I were the program and workshop committee and we decided to bring a quilt teacher "from away" to come and teach at the Guild. We decided that if she (Kay Phillips) was coming all this way that she should do a trunk show/lecture and if she was doing that then maybe we should invite other Guilds. Well, kind of like the kid's book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie", one thing led to another and  we came up with the idea of a dessert party with an extraordinary quilter! Check the list to the right for the list of all 15 Extraordinary Quilters, most have websites or blogs, click on their name and see what they have been up to.

This year was our 15th and we were delighted to bring Becky Goldsmith from Sherman, Texas to be our Extraordinary Quilter and indeed she is an extraordinary quilter!


Once again our Guild members brought in "extraordinary" (and delicious) desserts. We filled the hall with 130 excited quilters, many of whom have come every year.


Tile Tango hand applique, machine quilted

Becky brought some quilts to show us and presented a digital slide show on her approach to colour. She has a new book coming out very soon called The Quilter's Practical Guide to ColorI am sure very quilter regardless of their experience learned something!

Becky then taught 2 workshops on hand applique and improvisational quilting. Her tips and tricks were terrific, her hand applique exquisite! We were all so glad she came so far to share her knowledge and skills. Check out our Flikr Photostream album here to see the pictures.