Business Meeting: Evening meetings begin at 7:00 pm with doors open at 6:30 pm, and afternoon meetings begin at 1:00 pm, with doors open at 12:30 pm. The business meeting usually lasts 30-40 minutes.
Fat Quarter Draw:
Program: TBD
Sew & Tell: The meeting wraps up with sharing our completed projects. If you’re bringing items in person, then look for the sign up sheet. Photos will be added to the Photo Gallery here.
In Person Check-in: Please give your name at the front desk when you arrive. If you have questions about anything, someone at the desk can help.
Guests: Members are permitted to bring a non-member guest to the meeting two times. This can be in person or virtually. Please advise Membership (mbqgmembership@gmail.com) if you plan to bring a guest, so they may be properly introduced at the meeting.
Library: Before the meeting is a great time to browse our library and borrow one of the new acquisitions. Our Librarian always welcomes suggestions for library purchases.
Donation items: Your quilt donations are welcome at any meeting.
And please remember that for all in-person meetings: